What’s your leadership shadow?

On 27 June, Tom was lucky enough to partner with HEX’s great friend Jane Middleton from Trapeze HR on a webinar for leaders and HR professionals. We discussed the ‘leadership shadow’ and the impact on organisations and their culture.

Leaders can either make or break a culture and an employee’s experience can be hugely impacted both positively or negatively. The leadership shadow is the influence and impact that leaders, particularly senior leaders, can have over their teams. The more senior the individual leader, the larger the impact. As we now know, research has shown that culture is one of the main drivers in retaining talent. 

Leaders (particularly those at the top of organisations, such as CEOs and founders), recognise that they personally have influence but often underestimate its impact on workplace culture. It’s also important to recognise that the executive team has a cumulative shadow which can be larger than the sum of its parts. How the senior team behaves together, and apart, will have an amplified impact on the culture of the business. 

It's positive to see progressive executive teams investing in their leadership skills and their collective effectiveness, but there are still many organisations who leave too much to chance. Inclusive and successful cultures take leadership, investment and energy, yet many leaders still see their responsibility to drive culture as an additional part of their role. 

It’s paramount that the senior leadership team is cohesive and truly aligned, to ensure there’s collective accountability,. Without it, silos are reinforced, perpetuating a poor culture that hinders the business, and therefore its leaders from achieving their commercial aims. 

Team coaching can be a game-changer 

Team coaching can be a game-changer for improving how leaders work both together AND individually. Coaching supports in the building of trust, connecting individuals with a common purpose, and providing a safe space for discussion. Through a regular review of how the team works and how its members are feeling, trust will be built. If the senior team has visible trust in one another, then a strong culture is more likely to be forged. 

Role-modelling for individual leaders 

For individual leaders, role-modelling is central to nurturing a great culture. Leaders should ask themselves: 

 Am I empathetic and do I think about the impact of my actions on others? 

Do I hold myself to the same high standards I hold others? 

Do I walk the talk and am I transparent and honest in my approach? 

Are my behaviours consistent? 

Am I reflecting effectively and showing humility, and am I learning from my experiences? 

 Being open about our vulnerabilities, weaknesses and emotions will only increase the trust others have in us. We’re all human.

Take some time to reflect 

So, take some time to reflect – what’s your leadership shadow? 

The webinar was hosted by our friend Jane at Trapeze HR. If you’re looking to recruit into your HR team, Jane and her business partner Harriet are fantastic - they get right to the crux of what you need, have great relationships with a huge number of talented candidates, and are lovely to deal with.

The talented Liam Williams from Leodo did this fantastic sketch with the highlights.

Tom Emery

Tom is a HR and OD specialist with over 20 years' experience in human resource management. He has a deep curiosity about what makes people tick and enjoys supporting people and organisations to achieve their full potential.


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