Why coaching?

Coaching can be a game changer for people across all levels of an organisation, but it’s particularly powerful for senior leaders who are juggling multiple and conflicting stakeholders, strategic demands, and operational tasks. Coaching challenges perceptions, examines thoughts and behaviours, and supports the individual to find answers in themselves to make positive change.

Although coaching often looks back to the past and forward to the future, it focuses on improving performance in the here and now. At HEX, we don’t consider the coach an expert or a teacher, but as a facilitator of learning.

We’re confident that investing in coaching with us will bring significant and lasting positive change.

How we coach

We bring tried and tested tools and frameworks to our coaching, together with an understanding of the challenges leaders experience in their busy roles. We follow a simple but effective model that can be flexed to suit the client.

Preparation and scene setting

At this stage:

  • We check the chemistry is right. If we’re not the right coach for you, you can tell us. Similarly if we think you’d be better coached by someone else, we’ll recommend them to you

  • We’ll talk about your goals, discuss how many sessions we will do together, and agree how we will work together (this could be in-person or virtually)

  • We can involve a business sponsor in our discussions if needed

  • We can agree whether or not any psychometrics or questionnaires might be useful (we are certified to use the Hogan Development Survey, and the BeTalent suite of products)

Let’s go deep

At this stage:

  • We explore your goals in detail, where you want to get to and why

  • We think about your reality - what’s stopping you from achieving your goals, what is reality and what is a perception, who else is working in your system, and what is your emotional state

  • We’ll discuss where you might challenge your perceptions, and look at what the options are to move yourself forward

  • We’ll continuously check that we’re moving in the right direction and your goals are remaining relevant

Turn talk to action

At this stage:

  • We agree what actions you’ll take or behaviours you’ll change to move you forward

  • We’ll think about what support you need to ensure you succeed

  • We’ll reflect on your progress and achievements over the period of coaching

  • We’ll agree if you need further coaching support

The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset
— Carol Dweck